Portable magnetotherapy for hire

Rent from € 5,00 per day all included

1 review

Portable magnetotherapy device, battery powered with a universal soft applicator. Ideal for performing treatments in freedom of movement

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  Portable magnetotherapy: THE ADVANTAGES

Make magnetotherapy in freedom of movement

Make magnet therapy whenever and wherever you want, like during working hours or when traveling by car. The battery power supply and the small size of the device allow the therapy to be carried out in total mobility and at any time of the day

magnetotherapy rental

universal applicator easy to wear

The soft silicone applicator ensures an excellent fit and allows the therapy to be carried out in any part of the body, in a localized way and with the minimum encumbrance

knee magnetotherapy
shoulder magnetotherapy
elbow magnetotherapy

comes on with a click, it is suitable for anyone

The portable magnet therapy device starts with a simple click and is equipped with a rechargeable lithium battery sufficient for applications up to 4 consecutive hours

portable magnetotherapy
orthomag charger

Portable magnetotherapy: WHO IT IS RECOMMENDED

  Patients with pathologies to bone tissue such as fractures, cervicalgia, arthritis, or inflammatory states such as tendonitis, cervicalgia, lumbago. You can read a complete list of portable magnet therapy applications in the magnet therapy section.

 People with the need to do therapeutic cycles while remaining in motion. In fact, thanks to the very small size and the charger supplied it is possible to do magnetotherapy anywhere and whenever you want, even by car.

Portable magnetotherapy: HOW TO RENT

OUR SERVICES FOR THE CUSTOMER Rent autonomously through the site quickly and safely. Send us an email with your contact details, we will get back to you. Book by phone with the help of one of our operators who will advise you in the best possible way. Request home delivery through one of our qualified technicians. The service is free.

  The excellent success of a cycle of magnetotherapy depends mainly on from the choice of the right device and its correct use. Compare devices for magnetotherapy to rent the one best suited to your needs.

  Carefully informed

We care about your health. If you do not know what magnetotherapy is and you do not know its effects on the human body, we suggest you read our briefs free information guides on the correct use of magnetotherapy.
Magnetotherapy should always be used under advice or medical prescription. If you have not done so yet, talk to your doctor before proceeding.

do you have to rent a magnet therapy? you're in the right place.

Discover the advantages of home rental. Safer rehabilitation and more effective therapy thanks to the assistance of our technician. You can rent magnetotherapy if you live in one of the areas served.

Benefit from the use of latest generation appliances
Installation carried out by our qualified staff *
No further hidden costs

Free home assistance during the rental period
Home delivery included in the fare in 24h
Security deposit not required


CE0476 certified medical device for low frequency magnetotherapy, with pulsed fields


Generator with battery, universal soft solenoid with two elastic bands for fixing, car charger, wall charger, carrying bag

Technical features

Portable magnetotherapy device with rechargeable lithium battery, 25 Gauss maximum power, dual 50Hz and 75Hz programs, maximum duration of each cycle 4 hours

Brand and model

I-TECH Orthomag

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy is a healthy, harmless therapy that does not poison the body. To date, there are no published studies reporting a list of recognized side effects
Magnetotherapy is a therapy that brings its benefits in the medium to long term, especially in the case of applications on large parts of the body, such as the pelvis or the femur. We always recommend therapies with a minimum duration of 20 days for the smallest parts such as the scaphoid, hallux valgus or wrist, but it will also be necessary to reach up to 40 or more days for larger bone fractures and pathologies in phase acute
To carry out a cycle of appropriate sessions of magnetotherapy, it is good to do sessions of no less than 2 consecutive hours, up to a maximum of 8 hours. This information, together with the necessary number of days of therapy, is generally given directly by the doctor who prescribes the device, but if necessary, our technician will give you the appropriate indications.
Absolutely not! During magnetotherapy applications, nothing is ever felt.
Magnetotherapy, emitting electromagnetic fields, is able to treat limbs and parts of the body even if still bandaged, covered with plaster or a brace. Our technician will program the machine with a higher emission power, in order to generate a deeper magnetic field
To run a cycle of magnetotherapy safely and effectively, you need a device for Low frequency CEMP magnetotherapy, which is certified by the Ministry of Health as a medical device, and home-based, so as to turn it on simply with a few clicks
VEM has both current and battery powered devices. Both are low frequency CEMP magnetic therapy devices, but with the difference that the latter can also be used outside the home, guaranteeing an autonomy of up to 3 hours. Contact us for more information about it
VEM only supplies low frequency CEMP devices, certified as Medical Devices by the Ministry of Health, portable and easy to use for the user. The device, programmed according to the type of therapy to be performed, is equipped with the most suitable accessory for the therapy to be performed (radiating band, pair of cap solenoids, mat) and also has two high-power channels in so that in case of need it can be used on two parts of the body at the same time
Although magnetotherapy is a healthy therapy and proof of side effects, it is not recommended for use in case of pregnancy and lactation, juvenile diabetes, acute viral infections, mycosis, in patients with peacemakers or with cardiovascular diseases, in case of patients with ongoing tumor processes, or in case of hyperthyroidism

Areas of Rome served

Check here if your area is covered by the magnetotherapy rental service

Acilia Nord, Acilia Sud, Acqua Vergine, Ciampino Airport, Alessandrino, Appio Claudio, Appio Latino, Appio Pignatelli, Ardeatino, Aurelio (neighborhood), Aurelio (suburbio, Borghesiana, Borgo, Campitelli, Campo Marzio, Capannelle, Casal Boccone, Casal Morena, Casal Palocco, Casalotti, Castel di Decima, Castel di Guido, Castel di Leva, Castel Fusano, Castel Giubileo, Castel Porziano, Castro Pretorio, Cecchignola, Celio, Cesano, Collatino, Colonna, Della Vittoria (district), Della Vittoria ( suburbio), Don Bosco, Esquilino, EUR, Fiumicino, Flaminio, Fonte Ostiense, Fregene, Gianicolense (neighborhood), Gianicolense (suburb), Giuliano Dalmata, Grottarossa, Isola Farnese, Isola Sacra, La Giustiniana, La Pisana, La Storta, Labaro , Lido di Castel Fusano, Lido di Ostia Levante, Lido di Ostia Ponente, Ludovisi, Length, North Maccarese, South Maccarese, Magliana Vecchia, Marcigliana, Mezzocammino, Monte Sacro, Monte Sacro Alto, Monti, Nomentano, Ostia Antica, Ostiense, Ottavia , Palidoro, Pari oils, Parione, Pietralata, Pigna, Pinciano, Polline Martignano, Ponte, Ponte Galeria, Ponte Mammolo, Portuense (neighborhood), Portuense (suburb), Prati, Prenestino Centocelle, Prenestino Labicano, Prima Porta, Primavalle, Regola, Ripa, Salario, Sallustiano, San Basilio, San Saba, San Vittorino, Sant'Angelo, Sant'Eustachio, Santa Maria di Galeria, Settecamini, Testaccio, Tiburtino, Tomb of Nero, Tor Cervara, Tor de 'Cenci, Tor di Quinto (neighborhood), Tor di Quinto (suburb), Tor di Valle, Tor San Giovanni, Tor Sapienza, Torre Angela, Torre Gaia, Torre Maura, Torre Spaccata, Torrenova, Torricola, Torrimpietra, Torrino, Trastevere, Trevi, Trieste, Trionfale (district), Trionfale ( suburbio), Tuscolano, Val Melaina, Vallerano.

Municipalities in the province of Rome

Affile, Agosta, Albano Laziale, Allumiere, Anguillara Sabazia, Anticoli Corrado, Anzio, Arcinazzo Romano, Ardea, Ariccia, Arsoli, Artena, Bellegra, Bracciano, Camerata Nuova, Campagnano di Roma, Canale Monterano, Canterano, Capena, Capranica Prenestina, Carpineto Romano, Casape, Castel Gandolfo, Castel Madama, Castel San Pietro Romano, Castelnuovo di Porto, Quarries, Cerreto Laziale, Cervara di Roma, Cerveteri, Ciampino, Ciciliano, Cineto Romano, Civitavecchia, Civitella San Paolo, Colleferro, Colonna, Fiano Romano, Filacciano, Fiumicino, Fonte Nuova, Formello, Frascati, Gallicano nel Lazio, Gavignano, Genazzano, Genzano di Roma, Gerano, Gorga, Grottaferrata, Guidonia Montecelio, Jenne, Labico, Ladispoli, Lanuvio, Lariano, License, Magliano Romano, Mandela, Manziana , Marano Equo, Marcellina, Marino, Mazzano Romano, Mentana, Monte Compatri, Monte Porzio Catone, Monteflavio, Montelanico, Montelibretti, Monterotondo, Montorio Romano, Moricone, Morlupo, Nazzano, Nemi, Nerola, Nettuno, Olevano Romano, Palestrina, Palombara Sabina, Percile, Pisoniano, Poli, Pomezia, Ponzano Romano, Riano, Rignano Flaminio, Riofreddo, Rocca Canterano, Rocca Priora, Rocca Santo Stefano, Rocca di Cave, Rocca di Papa, Roccagiovine, Roiate, Roviano, Sacrofano , Sambuci, San Cesareo, San Gregorio da Sassola, San Polo dei Cavalieri, San Vito Romano, Sant'Angelo Romano, Sant'Oreste, Santa Marinella, Saracinesco, Segni, Subiaco, Tivoli, Tolfa, Torrita Tiberina, Trevignano Romano, Vallepietra, Vallinfreda, Valmontone, Velletri, Vicovaro, Vivaro Romano, Zagarolo. ATTENTION: Although there are no delivery costs, for the municipalities furthest away from the GRA, a one-off € 25 may be charged as a transport contribution.

Areas of Italy served

Here you will find the list of the provinces served. Check here if your province is also covered by the service magnetotherapy rental at home.

  • Rome
  • Rieti
  • Frosinone
  • Latina
  • Viterbo

  • Milan
  • Bergamo
  • Brescia
  • Pavia
  • Como
  • Lecco
  • Monza and Brianza
  • Mantova
  • Lodi
  • Cremona
  • Sondrio
  • Varese

  • Bologna
  • Modena
  • Piacenza
  • Reggio Emilia
  • Ferrara
  • Rimini
  • Forlì-Cesena
  • Parma
  • Ravenna

  • Cagliari
  • Nuoro
  • Sassari
  • Oristano
  • Ogliastra
  • Olbia-Tempio

  • Palermo
  • Enna
  • Caltanissetta
  • Catania
  • Messina
  • Ragusa
  • Agrigento
  • Trapani

  • Florence
  • Arezzo
  • Pistoia
  • Lucca
  • Prato
  • Pisa
  • Livorno
  • Massa Carrara
  • Siena

  • Bari
  • Barletta-Andria-Trani
  • Toast
  • Foggia
  • Lecce
  • Taranto

  • GenoVa
  • Imperia
  • La Spezia
  • all in the province of Savona

  • Torino
  • Alexandria
  • Asti
  • Biella
  • Cuneo
  • Novara
  • Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
  • Vercelli

  • Bolzano
  • Trento

  • Venice
  • Padova
  • Treviso
  • Belluno
  • Rovigo
  • Verona
  • Vicenza

  • Gorizia
  • Pordenone
  • Trieste
  • Udine

  • Ancona
  • Ascoli Piceno
  • Fermo
  • Macerata
  • Pesaro e Urbino

  • Chieti
  • L'Aquila
  • Pescara
  • Teramo

  • Catanzaro
  • Cosenza
  • Crotone
  • Reggio Calabria
  • Vibo Valentia

  • Matera
  • Potenza

  • Avellino
  • Benevento
  • Caserta
  • Napoli
  • Salerno

  • Campobasso
  • Isernia

  • Perugia
  • Terni

1 review for Portable magnetotherapy for hire

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  1. Verified reviewVerified review - displays the originalExternal Link

    Excellent services, I had some problems with the delivery of the package because of the courier I contacted customer service and they immediately solved the problem and with the delay in delivery by the courier they moved the pick-up date of the machine.
    Great product. Advice!

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FAQ | Frequent questions

By selecting dates from the calendar, the system will automatically calculate the costs of the reservation.

Deliveries within the city of Rome are free.

We can deliver the aids to one of these places (Fiumicino Airport, Ciampino, Termini Station or Civitavecchia) only by using our transfer service. Click here to find out more.

It is not needed. During the booking phase, by entering all the requested data, we will do everything to ensure that you find the booked aids already inside the hotel or apartment.

Yes, delivery to the hotel is usually made before your check-in. Upon your arrival, ask the reception desk operator for aids. At check-out, leave the aid at the reception desk, we will come to collect it later.

Yes. In order to process your order, if you stay in an apartment you will have to ask the host for permission to have the aids delivered to his home.
Make sure that the structure is suitable for receiving mobility scooters or wheelchairs, and that there is a secure place for overnight storage of the aids. Furthermore, leave us a telephone number of the host, we will need it to agree on delivery methods and times. Without this, delivery cannot take place and we will not be able to refund your order.

The security deposit is required for electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters. The cost is €140 for each aid booked and is fully refunded at the end of the rental period. It is alternatively possible to choose insurance (non-refundable) of €49, which covers superficial damage.

Wheelchairs and mobility scooters are vehicles that cannot circulate on streets, but only on pavements and pedestrian areas. Consequently, no insurance policy is necessary.

At the moment, we offer our service within Rome and in the municipalities of its Province; it is not possible to deliver our aids outside this area. However, it is possible to use the vehicles rented in any Italian location, if they are delivered and collected in Rome.

Reservations are refundable if canceled within 5 calendar days of delivery.

On-site assistance is guaranteed only within the city of Rome.

No, it is not possible to transport the aid outside Italy.