do you have to rent a kinetec? you're in the right place.
Discover the advantages of home rental. Safer rehabilitation and more effective therapy thanks to the assistance of our technician. You can rent a kinetec if you live in one of the areas served.
Installation carried out by our qualified personnel
No further hidden costs
Home delivery included in the fare in 24h
Security deposit not required
Kinetec rental for shoulder rehabilitation
ANBOindustry Kinetec Rome rental e province provides for home delivery through our qualified staff. He will take care of adjusting the device according to the patient's height, programming it and showing how to use it following the rehabilitation protocol indicated by the doctor. We only rent new generation kinetec, fully adjustable and equipped with remote control, sanitized at the time of delivery. In this way it is possible to carry out the therapy correctly, safely and effectively, preventing the risk of trauma or complications caused by incorrect use.
What is kinetec
The kinetec is the ideal device to perform the passive rehabilitation of the limbs. This therapy can be performed either by a physiotherapist, or similarly by the kinetec, in a non-invasive and totally painless way. In fact, the joint is moved in a natural way, carrying out controlled bending that can go from the initial 5 ° -10 ° up to a maximum of 110 °. The angle, set via the remote control, must be safe and not cause any discomfort to the patient, in order to reach the preset value at the end of the therapy cycle.
The benefits of passive rehabilitation (CPM)
With passive mobilization, the joint moves without the muscle ever being stressed. This therapy brings numerous advantages to the party affected by the treatment. Indeed, this way yes prevents joint stiffness favoring the return to the natural mechanical functions of the ligaments, yes increases the lymphatic and blood circulation resulting decrease in swelling. Doing so also prevents the onset of thrombi and emboli.
Accessories supplied to the kinetec
The rental of the Kinetec Rome includes, in addition to the instrument, a convenient trolley for transport and the remote control with display through which it is possible to change the flexion and extension settings of the knee, the duration and speed of the treatment in real time, as well as being able to stop and return the leg to the rest position through a emergency stop button.

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